Friday, April 30, 2004

Hack Job - STOP the Constitutional Amendment to Ban Same Sex Marriage

Because I may have caused you to sign the petition/pledge of the site linked above, I feel I should let you know that they're not filling up your--or my--inbox intentionally. Apparently the functionality of their e-mail list was changed by a hacker last night; if you're signed up to get their messages, you've probably gotten more than 50 this morning from a variety of folks in a sort of spiral effect--one person tried to unsubscribe but sent the message to the whole group; another person chided that person for doing so--by sending his message to the whole group; several people expressed their displeasure over this by sending their own messages--again, to the whole group; and now, as I post this, messages are showing up at a rate of about one every three minutes, alternately begging to be removed from the list and screaming at people who are "too stupid" to figure out that they're sending messages to everyone. If anyone ever wants to shut down the corporate world, this seems like a good way to start.

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