Friday, August 06, 2004

At Last, My Love Has Come Along...

Early 'Seinfeld' episodes coming to DVD

The first three seasons of Seinfeld? I guess now we know what I'll be asking for at Christmas. If I can wait that long...

Thanks to Brian for the link.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am excited about this development.


Richard said...

You also became the 10,000th visitor to the site while adding that comment, Zach. Thanks!

Richard said...

You're giving yourself a bit too much credit, Brian. You're definitely the second-most-likely person to visit the site--after me, though most of my visits are not counted by the tracking mechanism--but you're not responsible for half the site's traffic. About ten unique visitors show up each day who didn't show up anytime in the 24 hours prior to the visit that gives them "unique" status; some of them are truly new visitors, brought in by a Google search for the Half-Blood Prince or an article that I mention that hasn't been widely discussed online. Others are the variety of folks who periodically check in because they either have known me at one point or another--friends from high school, college, and Minnesota--or have met me online through some crazy chain of events, whether by dating a friend of a friend of an acquaintance or by finding my site while reading my Amazon reviews in Australia. All of which makes doing this worthwhile and even fulfilling. Not that writing strictly for you wouldn't be fulfilling, but I believe they have a word for that: e-mail.

Richard said...

Thanks, Brian. I wasn't disparaging your contributions--you're the only person I can count on to engage me in conversation here, no matter how many people show up to read what I have to say. Your estimate of how many times you've visited seems pretty good to me; it might be a bit higher than that, but you're definitely close.

I'm sure when I start school the pace of posts will slow down, but it shouldn't surprise you that I have a lot to say--you did live with me.