Thursday, November 20, 2003

Equal Time

Protect traditional marriage

Looking for fair and balanced? Here you go. Click above to read what the Family Research Council has to say about the ruling Massachusetts.

Here's what I find most objectionable: "Other research has shown that same-sex relationships lack permanence and fidelity. Therefore, if such unions are recognized as 'marriage,' those values will be further stripped from the ideal of marriage that is held up to our children."

Yes, indeed. We're the ones who are dragging marriage into the toilet. We're the ones with the 50% divorce rate. Clearly, we're going to make matters worse.

Yeah, right. Isn't it convenient for the moralists who run their campaigns based on family values that their crusade demands nothing of the voters they seek except blind rejection of other people? Crusaders for the Right demand no sacrifice of their constituents; they seek only to lay blame for the "end of the world" on people who won't vote for them anyway. They make my life their campaign issue because examining the indiscretions of corporate criminals and industrial polluters--people who are actually doing harm to their fellow citizens--wouldn't be a winning issue. Or so they say. What they mean is that it wouldn't be easy--it would demand of voters that they think about the issues rather than voting based on a knee-jerk reaction. I long for the day when someone runs a difficult campaign, tackling issues that matter--and wins.

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