Monday, November 17, 2003

Turns Out They Don't Hate Us

U.S. Expats in UK Hit by Wave of 'Anti-Bushism'

Everyone's heard that you should be careful in foreign countries because being an American can make you a target. Guess who's taking the blame?

It's not hard to understand; a distinctly "We don't need you" attitude toward European allies has made Bush our least popular president worldwide in quite some time. And while I know the foreigners who dislike Bush don't live here and don't vote, there's little doubt that the choices of American voters have more to do with the fate of the rest of the world than those of any other citizenry.

Maybe we should make that argument at the U.N. and claim we need relief funding to better educate the American electorate. If a Democratic candidate for president used that as his rationale--and then used the money to finance his campaign for office--there are a lot of countries that would think long and hard about paying.

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