Thursday, December 02, 2004

Local Play

Chicago Tribune | CBS and NBC shut door on church ad

It looks like the UCC ad story has found its way to the major media; this morning it was on the front page of the Chicago Tribune. Here's hoping we see a storm of editorials tomorrow from major newspapers condemning the networks for their cowardice in the face of conservative Christians. Otherwise, Alan Wolfe may be right:
Alan Wolfe, a professor of religion at Boston College, said he was surprised that networks would shy away from a message of inclusiveness.

"CBS and NBC seem to be afraid, not of stirring controversy, but of alienating potential viewers, the kind, moreover, that like to organize boycotts and write letters," Wolfe said. "There may be a new form of political correctness arising in America, one in which attempts are made to avoid violating the sensibilities, not of women or racial minorities, but of conservative Christians."
And some people thought another four years wouldn't be so bad.

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