Friday, December 10, 2004


No snow? Minnesotans get creative

Just in case I was feeling sentimental about my former home, CNN has this today:
From snowmobiling on alfalfa to strapping on cross-country skis with wheels, Minnesotans are finding ways of coping with a frustrating lack of snow.
A "frustrating lack of snow" is not a phrase that has any place in my vocabulary. A sport that requires a motor or an extension of my foot beyond a normal shoe holds no interest for me. My feeling on trying to extend the season for winter sports by pretending to cross-country ski with rollerblades--a practice who enthusiasts frequently threatened to impale me on one of their poles during a late autumn walk in Minneapolis--or snowmobiling on alfalfa is therefore quite simple: These people are crazy. Throw a football around or shoot some baskets while the weather is still somewhat clement. If there's one good thing about global warming, it's the fact that there will be less snow to shovel, drive through, and yes, snowmobile on. With their snow gone, perhaps snowmobile enthusiasts will relocate, either further north--where they'll be Canada's problem--or to the South, where they'll be among enthusiasts of NASCAR, another pernicious motor sport.

Consider that your liberal elitist post for the week.

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