Friday, January 30, 2004


Democrats Increase Pressure on Scalia

Here's another issue that Democrats aren't pressing enough: how is Antonin Scalia NOT required to recuse himself from a case involving Dick Cheney after they went on a hunting trip together during the time between when the Court agreed to hear the case and the actual proceedings? As a professor quoted in the article notes, ordinary Americans can quickly see how there's no way Scalia can claim that his impartiality in the case is beyond doubt. How much outcry will it take to convince Scalia, over whom there is no oversight but that of God, that he should do the right thing and bench himself?

We should find out. Democrats should raise their voices, make the case to the American people, and generally make so much noise about this that Cheney pulls Scalia aside during a fishing trip and begs him to sit this one out.

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