Wednesday, May 19, 2004


GOP Takes a Chance on Weakened Tax Cuts

It's official: The GOP doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget. Here's Tom Delay explaining why every Republican should vote with him:
"The moderates need to read the Republican philosophy," House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, told a reporter when asked why moderate GOP senators should support the plan. "What we believe is you don't have paygo for tax cuts."

Paygo, of course, means finding money in the budget to pay for something before you start doing it, whether that something is a new program or a new tax cut. Which forces me to ask: Is DeLay right? Is this the new central tenet of the GOP? I could have sworn growing up they were the party of fiscal responsibility, or at least that was the claim they made. Can you make statements like this one and still claim to be serious about cutting the deficit? Can you read quotes like this and not vote for a Democrat this fall?

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