Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Have a Seat

Edwards' Table Manners - How much advantage will Cheney gain from the debate format?

As I steel myself for tonight's VP debate, I find the article above very interesting. Chris Suellentrop, who's been following the candidates for months, talks about what a private man John Edwards tends to be off the stump, and how he is the master of the stage but not the screen. How he does tonight will depend in large measure on whether he can overcome his TV problem. Can Edwards display the energy and passion we all came to love during the primaries when he's trapped in a chair at a table?

Maybe he doesn't need to. Maybe his winning smile is enough to make him look nicer than Cheney, and he needs to win this debate instead on the merits. Cheney is more experienced, yes, but what has that experience gotten the United States but trouble? If Edwards can comport himself with dignity tonight and avoid the Lieberman syndrome, he can keep the momentum on our side heading into Friday's town hall meeting.

Four weeks left. Thank goodness.

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