Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hip Hop Savior

Guerrilla News Network

The link above will take you to a site hosting Eminem's new video, "Mosh." If this doesn't turn out the youth vote, nothing will. Eminem calls Bush a "weapon of mass destruction," and the video--which accompanies one of Eminem's catchier songs--ends with images of lines of young people streaming out of official-looking buildings, waiting to vote. Hopefully this will make the idea of waiting in line on Election Day a bit more palatable to voters whose idea of a long wait is the time it takes for a text message to travel from one mobile phone to another. Anyhow, enjoy the video--the animation is really something--and pass it on to any young people you know who are registered to vote but might not take advantage next week. We need every one of them to win this thing.

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