Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Clarence Thomas is Crazy, But...

Ashcroft, Evans resign from Cabinet

Blue-staters, fear not: Today we have evidence that whatever deity the red-staters elected to run our country last week has at least a few thimbles of our sensibility. John Ashcroft--also known as the first sign after the 2000 election fiasco that Bush would be a divider rather than a uniter--is done as attorney general. But as you weather this new development, here's something to cling to in this swiftly-changing world: He's still nuts. Here's a bit from his resignation: "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved." Does that mean we have nothing left to fear? Maybe Ashcroft should have put out this memo, rather than a bunch of terror alerts, while Bush was running for office.

If you'd prefer to remain fearful despite Ashcroft's new confidence in his own work, there's always this: "I believe that my energies and talents should be directed toward other challenging horizons." Chief Justice Ashcroft, anyone? Why not get serious bang for the buck and use Johnny boy to bust up two terms' worth of unity promises, George?

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