Friday, November 19, 2004


Protect Every Child

Click on the link above to add your name to the list of people sponsoring the bill John Kerry will introduce on his first day back in the Senate to provide health care for every child in America. Here's hoping this is how Kerry plans to use his incredible list of supporters and donors. Being able to prove he has millions of people behind him when he proposes new legislation can only help his chances of getting the media and his Congressional colleagues to treat these issues with the seriousness they deserve.

1 comment:

Richard said...

1. I can do that. Makes sense to me.

2. I LOVE the Lemony Snicket books, but I don't own them. Your library, however, surely does, and since there are 11 (12 if you count the "autobiography" released two years ago), you should have no trouble finding the first several available without a wait. I'd call the books my literary guilty pleasure, but they're so clever and witty that I feel no guilt about enjoying them, literary or otherwise. Highly recommended for all!