Monday, April 05, 2004


End Daylight Saving Time

I don't necessarily agree with the site above, but his idea is interesting: convert the U.S. from four times zones to two, merging East and Central together, and stop changing the clocks every spring and fall.

But wouldn't it be more fun to keep daylight saving but change the way we implement it? We live in a nation that spends more hours at work than almost any other. Why not make the switch to daylight saving really meaningful by letting people enjoy the benefits rather than losing sleep? We should flip our clocks forward at 4:00 on Monday afternoon, cutting out the last hour of the workday for many workers and the first for many late shift workers. (We can keep the falling behind where it is--who could object to an extra hour of Saturday night?) Why not making Daylight Saving Day a day people love?

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