Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Fired Rice?

The Buck Doesn't Stop

Richard Cohen's column today explores the fact that no one in the Bush Administration resigns or is fired for mistakes. He makes good points about Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, who have both been wrong so often and about so much that it's hardly news anymore, but it makes me wonder: What will happen to Condi Rice if her testimony goes badly Thursday? The world will be watching and focused, and you never know: She could screw up royally by revealing troubling details, come off as cold and condescending, admit Bush was still trying to figure out the way from his bedroom to the Oval Office on 9/11, or all three. If she does--if she testifies under oath and doesn't perjure herself, basically--what will Bush and his folks do with her? No one has yet been fired for lying to or misleading the American people. Wouldn't it be ironic if someone were fired for telling the truth?

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