Friday, January 21, 2005

Animated By Desperation

U.S. Christians Issue Gay Warning Over Kid Video

I haven't missed this news, by the way; I just think it's so silly as to be beyond comment.

But here's something to ponder, I guess:
Christian groups however have taken exception to the tolerance pledge on the foundation's Web site which asks people to respect the sexual identity of others along with their abilities, beliefs, culture and race.
Here's the thing: if there's anything objectionable in that list, it's "beliefs." No one chooses to be disabled; you don't have much choice about what culture or race you're born into; and I can assure you that you don't choose to be or not to be gay. There was no Hamlet-like monologue; the realization was not without struggle, but fundamentally, I just am what I am. But beliefs? Those you can choose. You can choose to believe in the teachings of Christianity, or in the teachings of James Dobson and Focus on the Family--note that they're not really the same thing--or you can choose not to believe in them. Perhaps some of this is culturally determined for you: The odds that I would end up either a Catholic or a former Catholic were exponentially increased by my family's Catholicism. But surely one can choose whether to swallow the messages of the Church whole or not; if not, there would be a lot more Catholics, because none of them would be using birth control and they'd be having kids like crazy, just like the old days.

I hope some of the folks who have been following Dobson's lead notice how nutty his latest crusade is and jump off the bandwagon. Their religion may tell them--or they may think it tells them--that I am a sinner. But unless they also think it tells them to stone me in the public square, Dobson's objection to a message of tolerance rings quite hollow. And if Dobson and his followers do advocate my public stoning, they should come out and say so. I'm sure that will win them a great many friends among ordinary Americans.

They're just doing this because they're desperate; they want to make permanent their temporary victory in a single battle of a war that they know they're losing in the long run. It's just not going to happen, Dobson. Find a new place to pour your derision. This one makes you look like a cartoon character.

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