Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Kindred Spirit...Sort Of

The Declaration Online

There were few greater joys during my first year as the editor of my college newspaper than puzzling my way through movie reviews written by the author of the article linked above, Neil Hultgren. Despite the fact that he sometimes left me with the feeling that he had some sort of disdain for my existence, I enjoyed reading Neil's work because he'd find a creative way to express his opinion and always approached a problem from a unique vantage point.

Fast forward four years and we've got Neil arguing passionately, not for the virtues of American Beauty, but for fair treatment of the gay community at his new school, the University of Virginia. And once again, his solution to being treated like his kind of love is invisible is creative: he suggests that he'll return the favor, feigning a lack of understanding of any of the conventions of heterosexual love and marriage, including weddings and the rings that go with them. So kudos, Neil, on coming out and on engaging in the same sort of creative thinking about this new subject that you've always given to your old ones. And if that disdain I felt from you was just some sort of pre-outing self-loathing turned outward, feel free to drop me a line sometime.


Anonymous said...

It'll be interesting to hear what, if anything, he has to say. As someone else who felt this "disdain", feel free to clue me in!

Richard said...

Yeah, the only thing we can file jointly is our rent payment; our side-by-side signatures on the lease to our house--which we're extending for another two years with a one-month bonus and a one-time, advance-notice escape clause--are the closest thing we have to a legally-binding commitment to one another. But as long as we've got (straight) people like you to help us on our way, James and Neil and even Brad and I will one day get the legal fairness we deserve. It may take a while, but I know it will happen eventually.