Friday, January 28, 2005


Hoffman Estates sets sights on hunting, fishing retailer

I thought I escaped ever having to see a Cabela's again when I stopped driving I-35 through southern Minnesota. That would have been fine with me; their see-how-many-dead-animals-we-can-shove-into-a-single-diorama decor doesn't really do it for me. Now my town is in talks with Cabela's to build one of their stores--a bigger one than most--along a road I often take to get to my parents' house and will soon take to the new Super Target.

I don't know what's worse about this: The potentially nightmarish traffic or the fact that this makes my town the equivalent number in Chicagoland to Rogers, Minnesota in the Twin Cities, where Cabela's plans to build a similar store.


Anonymous said...

You are missing the biggest event of the day: the anniversary of Alan Alda's birth

Anonymous said...

his birthday isn't important?

Unknown said...

I'm not a huge fan of Cabela's either. Now that they went public I bet they pop up all over.

BTW, I thought traffic already was nightmarish!