Monday, June 13, 2005


"Meet Read The Press" Watch

I hate to admit this, because Tim Russert's Meet the Press is required Sunday morning viewing in our house, but Arianna Huffington has a point today as she lambasts the show for its use of quotes. This weekend's episode--which was, to be fair, doomed from the start by the presence of Democratic Senator/blatherer Joe Biden and crackpot Republican Congressman/vigilante Curt Weldon--featured more text than many magazines. Huffington notes what I kept saying--if Tim wants to show us what Hillary or Howard Dean had to say, show us the video! Stop reading screen after screen of text, turning the show into a Tim-abuster rather than the forum for back-and-forth discussion and insightful questioning we all tune in to watch.

Oh well. The whole show was about Iraq--from which Weldon and Biden just returned--and in the meantime Congressman Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, was announcing over on ABC that he's going to put forward legislation this week that would set a timetable for getting the hell out of the desert. Meanwhile Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator from South Carolina, was on CBS admitting that the Bush administration doesn't know what's going on and suggesting we need to "adjust" our strategy. With Bush suffering the worst approval ratings of his presidency and an election looming in 2006, we may be watching the first rats abandon the sinking ship. Good riddance.

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