Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pardon My French...

Brain Areas Shut Off During Female Orgasm

...but this article gives new meaning to the phrase "fucking your brains out."


Richard said...

It occurs to me that this article also suggests a response when a woman says she's not in the mood for sex because she has too much on her mind...

Anonymous said...

I like the part about how they had to study women's orgasms because men's were too quick.

Richard said...

I thought that was funny at first--which is what I assume you're implying by your comment.

But reading it again, I noticed something: "Holstege said he had trouble getting reliable results from the study on men because the scanner needs activities lasting at least two minutes and the men's climaxes didn't last that long." The implication of this is that the scanners worked on women because their--your--climaxes did/do last two minutes or longer. In which case, you should be laughing. All the way to the bank.

Now, I have no real way of knowing about these things; I'm assuming Jessica and other female readers do (and hoping, for their sake and that of their partners, that many of the male readers know as well). Do female orgasms really last "that long"--the two minutes or more needed for the scanners to monitor them?

Anonymous said...

I will answer your question, Richard, but only for the sake of science. :)

Do orgasms last 2 minutes? To tell you the truth, I've never thought to time them. I think it's more of the "aftershocks" so to speak, that can last 2 minutes. If I had to guess (and since I now know that my mind doesn't really work during an orgasm, it is JUST a guess), I'd say about 20-30 seconds is the average length, but the relaxed mental/physical feeling can last 2 minutes. It all depends on what exactly they're calling the orgasm.

And gee, wasn't I once the person that thought most people in college were virgins? LOL. I've come a long way. (No pun intended.)

Richard said...

Well, thank you--and nice pun. I suppose they mean the entire episode, from right when the climax is building to when things return to normal.

The problem they probably had with men was that two minutes after the start of the orgasm cycle, they were either asleep or looking for dinner.

I would note, however, that the results for men were inconclusive. I think if they ever find a mechanism that can measure the shorter-but-sweet(-and-easier-to-achieve) male orgasm, they'll find that our brains also shut off temporarily.