Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Schiavo Autopsy Shows Massive Brain Damage

More facts were released today that will change the minds of none of the people who didn't already believe what they prove. Such is the state of our nation.

But just to be clear, Terri Schiavo's autopsy showed that she was BLIND. So when Dr. Frist--the Senate Majority leader--said that her physicians had diagnosed her condition incorrectly because she was responding to visual stimuli, he was not only way out of the bounds of his medical training, but completely wrong.

Not that this will change anything:
Regardless of the autopsy findings, the Schindlers continue to believe their daughter was not in a persistent vegetative state, their lawyer, David Gibbs III, said after Thogmartin's report. He said they plan to discuss the autopsy with other medical experts and may take some unspecified legal action.
I'm sure they will find tons of success in the courts. It's worked so well for them in the past!

I guess I shouldn't be so surprised or sickened by all of this. I learned in this article that "Americans shelled out $48 billion on lotteries in fiscal 2004, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. That means the average American spent more on lottery tickets than on reading materials or movie tickets." Admittedly, winning the lottery would have more life-changing impact than reading a book or seeing a movie. But $48 billion? Imagine if all that money were spent on movies and books!

Considering the spending it would replace, Vin Diesel and Rick Warren would probably be zillionaires.


Jonathan said...

If someone is Blind and will never recover from the brain damage, should we just let them die then?

Richard said...

Jon, you know I'm not saying that we should kill the blind. I AM saying that Bill Frist's claim that Terri Schiavo wasn't in a permanent vegetative state because she "responds to visual stimuli" was a load of crap--Terri being blind proves that. If she told her husband that she didn't want to go on living in PVS, then yes, she should have been allowed to die when it became clear--as it had to everyone but her parents and a few people they paid to tell them what they wanted to hear, before the case became a political issue--that she was never going to recover.

I do not blame the parents for their (irrational) belief that "Terri could get better." That is how parents respond to these situations. I do blame politicians for taking this up as a cause because they believed it would be advantageous for them to do so. I do blame Democrats for not standing up and fighting against Congressional intervention when they would have been right to do so. And I think that now that Bill Frist's tele-diagnosis (based on a video that was edited to show the few minutes out of several hours when, by coincidence, Schiavo appeared to be responding to her family) has been shown to be not just wrong, but utterly false, he should apologize for ever attempting to diagnose PVS as a heart surgeon and for his leading role in this fiasco. Oh, and I think voters should be reminded of his role in this sham at every turn, because a man who will abandon his best medical judgment and his best judgment as a leader for the sake of pleasing a foaming-at-the-mouth element of his political base is no longer fit to hold office OR a medical license.

Jonathan said...

I agree with you Richard that the voters should be reminded every day about how stupid the conservatives made this issue. I was just giving you shit, now that I am going to be at the office full time I am going to be having a lot more time to give you crap.