Thursday, March 24, 2005

Creative Solution

First Thing We Do, Kill All The Old Folks

"Joe Klein" at Wonkette finds the glimmer of hope buried in the new estimates on Social Security and Medicare:
Paying all the Social Security benefits the government owes to old folks over the next 75 years will cost $4 trillion, and with a growing elderly population, payroll taxes won't bring in enough cash to cover it. But the trustees' report also had a hidden silver lining: Medicare will run out of money almost 20 years sooner than Social Security. Which means, we've solved the problem already! No money for Medicare means no health care for seniors. No health care for seniors means... no seniors! And no seniors means no Social Security problem. Shit, that was easy.
That's all well and good, but maybe I should up my 403(b) contributions...since I'll be turning 65 three years after Social Security blinks out and more than two decades after the Medicare insolvency date. If this is all a ploy to get people to stop relying on government to take care of them, you've got to admit it's a pretty effective one.

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