Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Hell They Should

Senator: Decency Rules Should Apply Pay TV, Radio

Is Sen. Ted Stevens out of his fucking mind? He and his pals in the Republican Party can foist their fucking moral qualms about swearing and sex (but, notably, not all the fucking violence on TV) on programs broadcast on the public airwaves because they're just that--public. I may not like it, but there's something to be said for trying to adhere to publicly-accepted standards of fucking "decency" when you're using public property.

But cable TV and satellite radio don't fucking use public property. People fucking pay for them. If fucking Sen. Stevens had his way, Howard-fucking-Stern and Bill-fucking-Maher would be off the fucking air tomorrow. The Sopranos would probably still be just as fucking violent, but you can bet Tony would use gentler language and visit fewer goomahs. This is not the fucking world in which I want to fucking live, fucking Sen. Stevens. Leave my HBO the fuck alone!

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