Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Battle Joined

Bill Clinton Bashes Man Behind 'Stop Hillary' Push

I really hate the headline to this article. Bill Clinton is not "bashing" Arthur Finkelstein. He's "bashing" a party that would treat Finkelstein and his newly-minted husband like second-class citizens:
Clinton called one of the leaders of the ["Stop Hillary"] movement, New York powerbroker Arthur Finkelstein, "sad," after reports over the weekend that the Republican consultant married his gay lover.

"Either this guy believes his party is not serious and is totally Machiavellian in his position or there's some sort of self-loathing there," Clinton said. "I was more sad for him."

The New York Times reported on Saturday that Finkelstein, who has worked to elect strongly conservative Republican politicians, married his male partner in a civil ceremony in Massachusetts in December. The Republican Party opposes same-sex marriages.
I know there are those who disagree, but I think if you're going to get married based on a law your party opposes, and uses as part of a base-inspiring attack on the judiciary, you probably shouldn't turn around and play hatchet man for that party. There's a special circle in my vision of Hell for people like Finkelstein.

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