Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Aaron, Are You Having a Flashback?

Tonight's West Wing was almost eerie. President Bartlet delivered a speech to his daughter Zoe about the "nightmare scenario" for the Secret Service, in which she gets kidnapped "from a party by someone who puts his arm around your neck in a bathroom and you're so afraid as he drags you away that you don't even notice the Secret Service agent with a bullet in his head and it's 30 minutes before anyone notices you're gone and by the time we think to close the airports you're on a plane to Uganda and the terrorists demand that we make Israel release 468 political prisoners..." and on and on. And guess how season four ended? Gee, Zoe got kidnapped from the bathroom of a bar by someone who had put a bullet through the head of a Secret Service agent and, as our pal Josiah predicted, the country was suddenly being run by an enraged father rather than a cool-headed leader. Could Sorkin have been taking LSD with his 'shrooms? I know I felt like I was having a flashback today. I'm surprised they didn't cut to footage of the whole speech from today's episode sometime during the kidnapping debacle; maybe that's how John Wells will start the Sorkin-less season five.

As long as I'm on Bravo, did anyone else see Boy Meets Boy ? Who didn't know Sean was straight? I predict that Franklin is the other pretender and that Wes wins the game. He and James have had the best compatibility throughout the show.

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