Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Frontrunner Dean?

Dean Has 21-Point Lead Over Kerry in N.H.

Seeing Howard Dean out in front in New Hampshire, in Iowa, in California, and nationwide is gratifying for me; we're talking about the man who made civil unions a reality in the United States, after all. He raised a million dollars on his recent tour of the country! He's got momentum.

But the way the media covers his ascent to the top of the Democratic pack troubles me. He's thought of as the Democrat who will stand up for Democratic values, but not as the one who can beat Bush. I don't support Dean only because I think he's willing to tell it like it is, though that is refreshing. I don't agree with everything he stands for--especially his position on guns, which puts him firmly on the side of the NRA. But I believe that these positions make him electable, and I wish the media would focus on that possibility rather making it look like the entire Democratic contingent in this nation is simply out for revenge. I, for one, want no such thing. I don't care how Bush leaves office, nor do I bear him any ill will when he's gone. I just want a president who will do the right things, fight the right fights, and stand for a few more of the right ideals. And since President Bartlet is busy...Governor Dean will have to do. He has my wholehearted support for the nomination. If you feel the same, tell him so: sign up for the Dean newsletter and join over 330,000 Americans for Dean. You'll find a link to his site on the right and at the bottom of the page.

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