Thursday, August 07, 2003

Runaway Texans and (gasp!) George Will

Careless People In Power

I've been hearing from some corners that the fleeing of 11 Texas Democrats to New Mexico to avoid a complete overhaul of the Texas congressional districts--which would redraw the state and transform an evenly-divided delegation into a Republican-dominated one--is just as deplorable as recalling Gray Davis. I ran across this article by George Will--AKA the conservative uber-columnist--by accident, but it turns out the staunch GOP-er and I agree that both the recall and the Texas redistricting effort are signs of the end of any political civility and the beginning of perpetual campaigning. If we continue on this road, there will be no governing, no legislating--there will be only one campaign season after another, and power grabs after every election. I hope you'll read his column...there's much tinder for a roaring fire of a discussion.

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