Sunday, August 17, 2003

A Way Out of the Recall?

Gov. Gray Davis should bring down curtain on sorry recall show
The article above suggests a way to end the madness of the California recall--today. Rather than waiting for the voters to boot him out of office in a month and a half--and it looks, more and more each day, like that's what will happen--Gray Davis should resign. Now.

If he did so, Cruz Bustamante would become governor. Now. And the recall would be a moot point. How can you recall Gray Davis--and that is what the question on the ballot asks, whether Davis should be recalled--when he's a private citizen?

Call it underhanded manipulation of democracy if you will. The lawful transition from governor to lieutenant governor in the face of sagging popularity would be a simpler thing than a messy recall election. It would save the state and each county millions of dollars that they can ill afford. It would keep the Democrats in the governor's office, which is what the people of California chose when they voted for Davis. Bustamante is leading in the polls to replace Davis, anyhow; it's not as if he's an unknown quantity or a novice.

This whole circus could come to an end tomorrow, if Gray Davis sees it in himself to walk away with his head held high rather than waiting a few months to walk away in shame. He may save his own political future by doing so; he would undoubtedly help preserve California's.

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