Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Expecto Patronum!

Since mentioning on Monday that I was but a quarter of the way through the latest Harry Potter book--and being chided for it--I've found it hard to concentrate on much besides the adventues of our young wizard hero. Tonight I finished the 870-page beast of a book--I think I read the last 500 pages in the past 24 hours--and I wish J.K. Rowling would finish book six already! I about lost it when Dumbledore cried at the end of the second-to-last chapter...the last 200 pages of the book flew by at breakneck pace. I have to ask, though: wasn't it pretty clear who would die in this book? What do people think Rowling has in store for us in the final two books? And who will die: Voldemort, Harry, or both?

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